What to Expect

What to Expect

Visiting any church for the very first time can be a difficult experience. Well, we want to put you at ease. Your first visit to Massillon Baptist will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family. We want you to experience helpful preaching and teaching, uplifting music, friendly people, and a place where you can feel welcome and "at home"! Here are a few answers to your questions and what you might expect on your first visit:

Where do I go?

When you arrive at the property, we recommend you park in our main parking lot on the south side of the building. You will then want to enter through the entrance located at the Bruce D. Communs Chapel. Our main assembly will be hosted inside the Chapel.

What is the main service like?

Our main service is at 11am. Here you will find uplifting traditional congregational music, accompanied by a handshaking time where we can get acquainted with one another. After this time there will be a sermon from our pastor. Most sermons will be a verse-by-verse expository message or a topical message backed by scripture that is applicable today. Our main service generally lasts a little over an hour.

What is Sunday School?

Our Sunday Schools start at 10am. Here you will find age-appropriate lessons taught to differing age groups often in a smaller group setting. Adults will meet in the main assembly area of the chapel.

What about the Kids?

Our church provides Nurseries (0-3 years old) and Sunday School Classes for all ages. The children's classes (4 years old to 6th grade) are located in our Sunday School Department and our Teens (7th- 12th Grade) are located in the teen room. We would be happy to show you to these departments once you arrive on the property. After the 10am Sunday School hour all children 4yrs and up and teens will be brought into the main assembly so that families can sit together for the main service at 11am.

How should I dress?

There is no dress code for members or guests at Massillon Baptist Temple. Our people wear a more traditional "Sunday" dress.

Am I expected to participate in the offering?

No. In fact, all offerings are made on a volunteer basis by our members placing their offerings in the offering box located by the chapel exit. We hope you will find in this place a warm family spirit, truth from God's Word, and a place where you can grow in God's grace. Please don't feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest.

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